Thanks for the kind words and wishes. We're working on adjusting medications and the like, and more tests. Also, I'm not trying to make this sound overly serious….just a kink in the chain for a bit. I do appreciate the kind words though. People have reached out, sent messages, and even dropped off things on my porch (Gisele—it reminded me of when you used to drop off the cat cookies from Trader Joe's for the boys–you are so wonderful) and it has touched me. Some folks, I think, are sick and tired of me being sick and tired, but I get that. I'm totally sick and tired of me being sick and tired. This whole thing has messed with my head a bit. Hopefully we will find something that will make a difference.

And now, some random notes:

1. When you check in for an appointment at the Heart Clinic, or Institute, or whatever it is, you get one of those little pagers as you would at a crowded restaurant. Honestly, I couldn't think of what to call it right now so I just googled 'waiting at restaurant flashing light thing.' I am so articulate. Yep, this is where I am at these days. Anyway, Ernie was very amused by this and kept suggesting we wait in the bar.


2. Every year I swear that NEXT year I will get a little support thing for my peonies so they don't flop over. And every year I let them get too big, and the cycle repeats.


3. The only time Leo agrees to a picture is when he's just gotten something he's happy about. In this case, a book on Milwaukee Road's electric lines. He reminded me SO much of me at the same age with a book on glass. I LOVE his new glasses so much.


4. Ernie cleaned out from under the couch in media room today. He found all sorts of amazing things, including a fossilized clementine.


5. Today Ernie was putting laundry away and he told me he was studying the migratory patterns of my socks, and I thought about how much I like him.

6. We continue to watch episodes of Vera. And I continue to refuse to use the closed captioning out of a sense of pride. This means I also continue to say, "WHAT did they just say?" Out of the phrases we understand, we are keeping a list of those we like. In particular I have asked Ernie to start saying, "Don't be daft" whenever appropriate.

don't be daft

cheeky cow

sly bastard


O.k. Onward.


One thought on “Update and a Few Notes

  1. isn’t that thing just called an electronic pager?
    And dang–Leo looks so mature-wow! I like his glasses as well.
    I have something I could put for the peonies…I’ll try to get it over there tomorrow…or sometime this week anyway.
